Sunset on Lake Fork Photo by Gary Edwards |
Located in East Texas, 90 miles east of Dallas, Lake Fork is known for it's outstanding Big Bass Fishing. In fact, it holds the Texas State Record for the biggest largemouth bass weighing in at 18.18 lbs. Lake Fork has produced 36 out of the Top 50 Bass in the State of Texas, 15 of which weighed over 16 lbs, and 20 over 15 lbs.
Lake Fork has produced an unchallenged numbers of 13+ pound bass, leaving no doubt that Lake Fork is still the #1 trophy bass lake in the state of Texas. Prior to impoundment, the ponds that would eventually be inundated were stocked with Florida strain largemouth bass up to 8.5 pounds. The fish grew in these ponds until the ponds were inundated and became part of Lake Fork. The lake achieved national recognition in 1986 when a 17 pound 10 ounce bass was boated. In the following years, more 13+ pound bass were caught out of Lake Fork than any other lake in the country, bringing national and world recognition to Lake Fork.
Many of David's clients have boated fish over 10 lbs, and hundreds have boated fish weighing over 7 lbs. Click here to view our "Big Bass" Photo Album. Call or Text David at (903) 629-5085, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your guided fishing trip, and you too can have your photo posted here with many of David's happy customers!
Click here to view the licensing requirements for fishing on Lake Fork.
Call or Text David at (903) 629-5085, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to schedule
your next Lake Fork fishing trip. Call early for best date availability!